
CEDS Finance Newsroom: Latest News, Newsletters, and Updates

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Shop Small This Holiday Season

December 9, 2024|

This Small Business Saturday, we’re thrilled to spotlight some of the incredible businesses we proudly support. These entrepreneurs embody the spirit of resilience, creativity, and community. Shop small and make a big impact by [...]

November Newsletter

November 26, 2024|

Check out CEDS Finance's November Newsletter. Celebrate Small Business Saturday, explore new opportunities and resources for entrepreneurs, and join us in giving thanks this November

July Newsletter

July 31, 2024|

Check out CEDS Finance's July Newsletter. You'll see a feature on Dorsin Kulembwa, founder of NEW-N-SPOTLESS, meet board and team members, and learn about our new collaboration with US Bank.

May Newsletter

July 31, 2024|

Check out CEDS Finance's May Newsletter. You'll see a feature on CEDS Finance's new grant program in collaboration with OEDIT, updates to the Spark Loan program, and a highlight on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and [...]